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Showing posts from December, 2020

Balisong Cave: The memory of history that never dies

This is Balisong Hill and Cave, located at Barangays San Esteban and Natividad, Pilar, Capiz. The magnificent view from atop of this hill is dramatic every summer, where the marbles are so white while the sun is shining brightly. Aside from these features where people really find the place relaxing this place has a mark on PilareƱos history. this is the place where the Battle of balisong takes place. Where several bloods of Philippine Katipuneros and Spaniards has been showered. Yes, this is the exact place. Let me have a separate entry for the story of the battle of Balisong.  Strekking on the place is allowed but for outsiders, I highly recommend to stop by in Pilar Tourism Office for your own safety plus you can be given a tour guide.